Saturday 19 November 2011


Windows 8 Developer Preview : Try it yourself

  • Saturday 19 November 2011
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  • Microsoft windows XP has successfully completed 10 years of glory and is still
    the top used Operating System on desktops. It gained a lot of
    popularity as soon as it was launched. Then came Windows Vista. Well,
    Microsoft itself agreed that it was a terrible operating system.
    Learning from the mistakes done in developing Vista, Microsoft released
    Windows 7. It is fast, reliable, secure, all-in-all a great OS, which
    covered the downfall of windows Vista pretty much.

    But over these years, technology has changed a lot. Microsoft had to do
    something extraordinary to compete with so many categories of computers
    (phones, tablets, ultrabooks, etc) gaining popularity into the market.

    Microsoft started developing an OS that is not only had to be better that its
    predecessor in every aspect, but it should also be compatible with
    various devices present in the market. Windows 8 comes into action.

    On September 14th, Microsoft released a Windows Developer preview for its
    new OS. It starts blowing your mind as soon as you start your PC. It
    takes about 8 seconds to boot. And by 8 seconds, i mean after 8
    seconds, you will be able to use the desktop with its full

    The start screen is completely changed. Yes, the start menu is gone ! It is
    replaced by a screen which contains Metro-Style apps in form of tiles,
    which can also display the app information, for example, game tiles
    tells you the scores, news tile shows the current news in brief etc.

    There are two sides of Windows 8 Developer preview, one is the start screen,
    with the metro-style apps, which is more suitable for touchscreen
    products or tablets. The other side is the normal windows desktop which
    we are familiar with. Both are well integrated with each other.

    I have been using Windows Developer Preview for some time now and I have
    to say, there’s a lot of work done by Microsoft in both the aspects of
    this OS. You can find it for yourself.

    Note: The development is still in progress, so there may be bugs in the OS,
    please take a backup of all your important data before continuing with
    the installation.

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