Tuesday, 2 August 2011


How To Hack College Network

  • Tuesday, 2 August 2011
  • saurav garg
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  • Today i'll tell you how to gain access(hack) of your College/School PC, I must say if you are going to hack the school, theres a high probability your get caught, and don't do anything dumb like deleting the network. Its lame, and you will get flamed for doing it. This hack will allow you to take control of the PC's at school. Lets start:

    How to take control of the PC's at school:

    Here are the steps;
    1. Preparing The Virus
    2. Setting Up The Virus
    3. Controlling The PC

    Obviously, if you gonna take control over your school PC you need a virus.
    1. The virus which is harmless and you won't even notice it was executed.
    2. Dropping a Trojan on the school PC.
    What you need:
    • Pen Drive (You can buy one, or you just use yours)
    • Brain (You can't buy this)

    Now, open notepad and copy/paste this code: the code

    Save the file as something.bat (you can change something to whatever you want). In "Save as type:" choose "All Files".

    I strongly recommend you not to change the rdport and tnport configuration. The rdport will open the remote desktop default port, and the tnport will open the telnet's client default port.

    You can change the username, password and the rport (randomn port you choose to be opened)

    At ipconfig /all >> C:\attach.txt you must change C:/ by your pen drive letter.

    Save it and remove your pen drive.

    Take your pen drive to school and run the bat file. Don't forget the pc you runned it in cause you might need it.

    When you get home go to your pc and try to telnet them or remote desktop the PC.

    After this you can probably do whatever you want with the PC.

    Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment! 

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    2 Responses to “ How To Hack College Network ”

    Anonymous said...
    14 October 2011 at 18:49


    Anonymous said...
    19 February 2013 at 19:39


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