Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Cool Tips and Tricks in Google Chrome

  • Wednesday, 27 July 2011
  • saurav garg
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  • Hello Friends, Today i am telling or writing about the tips or tricks ( short cut keys ) available in google chrome.

    1. Create a desktop or Start menu shortcuts to web applications, such as Gmail – you must enter the Control menu Page (upper right corner of the browser window) and select where you want to place your shortcut. The function works with Google applications such as calendar and Documents, as well as with others, such as Windows Live Hotmail.

    2. Control + Shift + N – This combination opens a window in “incognito” in which the pages viewed, does not register in the memory of a browser for viewing pages in history or in the form of cookies, after closing this window. You can also use this trick to open multiple Facebook, Gmail account.

    3. Open link in incognito mode – Right mouse button click on the link and choose Open link in incognito window.

    4. Alt + Home – loads a page from Google’s Chrome thumbnail most visited pages.

    5. Control + T – opens a new tab. By dragging you can change the order of cards or make it open in a new window.

    6. Control + Shift + T – opens the last closed tab. Pressing again will open the card prior to the last. Browser remembers the 10 most recently closed tabs.

    7. Switching between open tabs using Control + 1, Control + 2, Control + 3, etc.. Control + 9 switches to the last tab.

    8. Control + Tab – allows you to turn to the front switching between tabs.

    9. Control + Shift + Tab – Switch to turn back between tabs.

    10. As in Firefox 4, dragging the mouse cable to the card will open it in that tab, and drag a link between the two cards will open a new one in this position.

    11. To create a bookmark, simply click on a star from the left side of address bar and select the folder where you placed.

    12. Control + B – and turns off the bookmarks bar.

    13. Right Click and hold the left mouse button on the Back button (Back) displays a list of pages which can be undone. Show Full History option at the end of the list, open a new tab with the full history of browsing.

    14. Control + H – a quicker way to display the card with the history of browsing.

    15. Can delete your browsing history for chosen days – Scroll to the list and when we come to the day of interest to us, choose the option Delete history for this day the right side of the window.

    16. Control + J – for Downloads page.

    17. To remove an item from the download list, click the right mouse button and select Remove.

    18. Control + K or Control + E – to search from the address bar. When you press the bar in the URL will be a question mark and you can then type a search term.

    19. Right Click on the top of your browser and selecting Task Manager displays a list of running tabs and plug-ins, along with information how many resources they consume. To finish the job selected, choose End Process.

    20. Shift + Escape – a faster way to bring up the Task Manager Chrome.

    21. When you want to know what plug-ins are currently installed, simply type about: plugins in the address bar.

    22. Google Chrome: about:stats, about:network, about:histograms, about:memory, about:cache, about:dns these are basic pages in chrome browsers.

    23. If you want to know how the suspended card, type about: crash.

    24. Typing about: internet joke show developers (Easter Egg that only runs on Windows XP).

    25. Ability to edit any web page – right click on the page and choose inspect element. We can now edit the HTML source, and when you press the Enter key to check the results.

    26. To make Google Chrome your default browser, click on the Tools button (right-hand corner of the browser window), select Options, click the Basics tab and select the Make Google Chrome my default browser.

    27. To delete cookies, you have the menu Tools> Options, select Under the Hood, scroll down to the Security section and click Show cookies. Now you can delete the selected cookies, or all – Remove All option.

    28. To clear more data such as browsing history and cache, click on the Tools icon and select Clear browsing data.

    29. When you want to clear the Google Chrome tab from the most visited by our party, clear the browsing history in a way given above.

    30. Clearing History in Google Chrome will also clear the proposal addresses of the parties given in the URL bar.

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